Story: Hawke’s Bay region

Tourists at Lake Waikaremoana, 1912

Tourists at Lake Waikaremoana, 1912

Despite its isolation, tourist accommodation was available at Lake Waikaremoana from the 1870s. Mountainous areas were promoted for their scenery in the late 19th century, and Waikaremoana had an additional attraction in the form of its stunning, bush-clad lake. This album shows early tourists venturing out on the lake and the nearby Āniwaniwa River.

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Alexander Turnbull Library, McCormick Collection
Reference: PA1-o-285-25

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How to cite this page:

Kerryn Pollock, 'Hawke’s Bay region - Sport, leisure and tourism', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 3 June 2024)

Story by Kerryn Pollock, updated 1 Jul 2015